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| موضوع: Examples of the Prophet's Mercy upon non-Muslims الخميس أكتوبر 07, 2010 12:19 pm | |
| Ex. No. (1) Itwas narrated that ‘Aisha, May Allah be pleased with her, said to theProphet, Peace be upon him: "Have you ever come across a day harderthan the day of Uhod (one of the battles with the polytheists, in whichMuslims were defeated failing to comply with the Prophet'sinstructions)?" He replied: "I have suffered from your people a lot.The hardest I suffered was on the day of Akaba (a place name). Ibrought out my message to Abd Yaleil bin Abd Kalal. He did not respondpositively to what I called him for. I left there with a grief-strickenface. I did not wake up from that feeling, until I was nearKarn-Ath-Tha-aleb (a place name). I raised my head, where I found acloud casting its shadow over me. Upon looking, I saw Jibril (theangel) into it. He called upon me: Allah (the Almighty) has heard thesaying of your people, and what kind of reply they gave to you. Allahhas sent the angel of the mountains for you ready to do with themwhatever you ask. The angel of the mountains called, and saluted mesaying: "Oh Muhammad, what I do will be as you request. If you want, I close the two mountains on them?" TheProphet, Peace be upon him, replied: "Instead of that, I am hoping thatAllah (the Al mighty) will create from their offspring people whoworship Allah alone, without ascribing partners unto Him" narrated by Al Bukhari. Ex. No. (2): Itwas narrated that Ibn-Omar (the son of Omar), May Allah be pleased withboth of them, said that after one of the battles of the Prophet PBUH, awoman was found killed. In response, the Prophet PBUH prohibited thekilling of women and children. Narrated by Al Bukhari. Ex. No. (3): Anas-bin-Malek, May Allah be pleased with him, said:AJewish youth who served the Prophet, Peace be upon him, became ill, andthe Prophet paid him a visit. The Prophet, peace be upon him, sat nearthe youth's head, and he spoke to him saying: "Embrace Islam". Theyouth averted his eyes towards his father, who was also beside him. Thefather told his son: "Obey Abal-Kassem (one of the common names of theProphet PBUH)". The youth embraced Islam (before dying), and theProphet, peace be upon him, went out saying: "Thanks to Allah (theAlmighty) Who rescued him from hellfire." narrated by Al Bukhari. Ex. No. (4): Abdullah Ibn-Amr, May Allah be pleased with both, reported thatthe Prophet, peace be upon him, said:"Hewho kills a promisor (a non-Muslim living among Muslims where he ispromised to have protection, and he promises not to help enemiesagainst Muslims, hence, he is called 'a promisor'), will not smell thefragrance of paradise, though its fragrance is recognizable from adistance of forty years." narrated by Al Bukhari. Ex. No. (5): Boraida-bin-Al-Hosaibreported that when the Prophet, peace be upon him, delegated a princeto lead an army or a small army, he advised him, and Muslims with him,to be devoted to Allah, and to act to the common good. Then, he said:"Your battle should be in the name of Allah, and for His sake. Fightdisbelievers. Fight, but don't exaggerate, don't cheat, don't mutilate,don't kill a new-born child. If you meet your enemies of polytheists callthem for one of three options. Whatever they take, you must accept, andstop fighting them. Call them to Islam. If they take it, accept, andstop fighting them. Then call them to transfer from their home to thehome of immigrants (Al Madina, or Hijra house, where all Muslims, atthe start of Islam gathered). Tell them if they do so, they will havethe same rights and duties of the immigrants. If, however, their choicewas not to transfer from home, their status will be the same as theMuslim Bedouins (away in the desert), by the command of Allah nothaving the right for spoils or almsgiving unless they join holy war(Jihad) beside other Muslims. If they refused (Islam) ask them to paythe tribute (tax taken from non-Muslims for protection). If they gave apositive reply, accept that, and stop fighting them. If they refused,seek the help of Allah, and fight them. If you lay a siege around afortress, and they ask to have the warranty of Allah and the warrantyof his Messenger, do not give them the warranty of Allah and thewarranty of his Messenger. But give them your warranty and the warrantyof your companions. Observing your warranty and the warranty of yourcompanions will be easier than observing the warranty of Allah and thewarranty of his Messenger. If you lay a siegearound a fortress, and its people ask to be brought down to thejudgement of Allah, don't bring them down to the judgement of Allah.But, bring them down to your own judgement, since; you never knowwhether your judgement will be the same as the right judgement of Allahabout them or not." narrated by Muslim. Ex. No. (6): AbuHuraira, May Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet,Peace be upon him, delegated some horsemen to a place called Najd. Thehorsemen captured a man from the tribe of Bani-Hanifa calledThomama-bin-Athal. They tied the captive to one of the posts in themosque. The Prophet, Peace be upon him, came out to him saying: "How doyou find yourself Thomama?" Thomama replied: "Good,Muhammad. If you kill me, you shed (retaliatory) blood. If you pardonme, you do a favour to an appreciative person. If you are seekingmoney, ask whatever amount you want." He was left until the next day.The Prophet, Peace be upon him, asked him the same question (the next day), and he replied "The same like yesterday, if you pardon me, you do a favour to an appreciative person". The Third day, The Prophet, Peace be upon him, asked him the same question, and the captive gave the same reply. The Prophet, Peace be upon him, said" "Set Thomamafree!". Thomama went to a place near the mosque where he washed (didablution; Wudu’), and came back to the mosque giving the testimony "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammadis the Messenger of Allah". Then, he added: "I swear by Allah, that onearth no face was more hateful to me than your face. Now, your face isthe one I love most. I swear by Allah, your religion was the one Idisliked most. Now, it is the religion I like most. Iswear by Allah, your city was the worst place for me. Now, it is yourcity which I like most. Your horsemen took me, when I was going forOmra (a smaller pilgrimage out of the normal time of Haj that was alsopracticed by polytheists before Islam imitating the monotheist religionof Abraham, PBUH). So, what is your decision?" The Prophet, Peace be upon him, announced him and ordered him togo for Omra. When he went to Makkah, somebody there said to him: "Youhave changed your religion!" (a shameful accusation for them) "No." he replied, "But I joined Islam with Muhammad, Peacebe upon him. From now on, you will not receive even one grain of wheatfrom (my land) Al-Yamama, unless by the permission of the Prophet,Peace be upon him." narrated by Al Bukhari. Ex. No. (7): Khalid-bin-Al-Walid,May Allah be pleased with him, said: "I joined the Prophet, Peace beupon him, at the battle of Kheibar, where the Jews came complainingthat people were harrying to their warehouses." (In response), theProphet, Peace be upon him, said: "The possessions of promisors are notpermissible unless by a rightful claim". Narrated by Abu-Dawood with asound reference. Ex. No. (8): Sahel-bin-Saad-As-Sa’edi,May Allah be pleased with him, reported that he heard the Prophet,Peace be upon him, saying on the day of Kheibar battle:"Iwill give the flag to the man that Allah brings victory through him"The companions stood up to see which of them will be given the flag.Then, he said: "Where is Ali?" He was given the answer that Ali, MayAllah be pleased with him, was suffering from pain in his eyes. Hecalled Ali, supplicated Allah (the Almighty) for Ali's cure, spittingin Ali's eyes. Ali was cured on the spot, as if he suffered no pain.Ali, May Allah be pleased with him, said: "We fight them until they are(Muslims) like us"? The Prophet, Peace be upon him, replied "Wait untilyou are on their land. Then, call them to Islam, and tell them theirduties, I swear, that if Allah guided even a single man through you,will be better for you than getting the most expensive livestock."narrated by Al Bukhari, and Muslim. Ex. No. (9): It was reported that Abu Huraira, May Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet,Peacebe upon him, was asked to invoke Allah (the Almighty) againstpolytheists. He replied: "I was not sent out for cursing, I was sentout as a mercy" narrated by Muslim. Ex. No. (10): It was reported that Abu Huraira, MayAllah be pleased with him, said: "I called my mother for Islam, whenshe was still a polytheist. One day, upon calling her, she said to mewords about the Prophet,Peace be upon him that I hate. I went to the Prophet,Peacebe upon him, crying. I said: "Messenger of Allah! I was calling mymother to Islam, but she was refusing. Today, I called her, but shesaid to me words about you that I hate. Supplicate that Allah (theAlmighty) guide mother of Abu Huraira to Islam". At that the Prophet,Peace be upon him, said: "Oh Allah! I call upon you to guide the mother of Abu Huraira". I went out very happy at the supplication of the Prophet,Peace be upon him. Going back home, when I was near the door, my mother heard my steps. "Stay where you are Abu Huraira!"she shouted. I heard the sound of pouring water. Then, after washing,dressing, and putting on her veil, she opened the door, and said: "Abu Huraira, I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad (PBUH) is His Slave and His Messenger" I went back to the Prophet,Peacebe upon him, crying this time out of joy, and I said to him: "OhMessenger of Allah! I have the good news that Allah (the Almighty)responded to your supplication, and guided the mother of Abu Huraira". The Prophet,Peacebe upon him, thanked Allah, and praised Him, and said good words. Then,I said: "Oh, Messenger of Allah! Supplicate Allah that His slaves andbelievers love both me and my mother, and make us love believers. TheProphet,Peace be upon him, said: "Oh Allah! I call upon you to make this little slave of yours – he means Abu Huraira – and his mother, beloved to your slaves and believers, and make your slaves and believers beloved to them." No believer on earth who heard of me or saw me, but he loved me" narrated by Muslim. Ex. No. (11): It was reported that Abu Huraira, May Allah be pleased with him, said: "Tofail-bin-Amr-Ad-Dawsi and his companions, came to the Prophet,Peacebe upon him, and said: "Messenger of Allah! Daws (a tribe name)disobeyed and revolted against us, invoke Allah (the Almighty) againstthem. Thinking that the Prophet PBUH would do that, the people said:"Aws has perished". The Prophet,Peace be upon him, said: "Oh Allah! I call upon you to favour Awas with your guidance, and bring them". Narrated by Bukhary Ex. No. (12): Itwas reported that Jabir-bin-Abdullah, May Allah be pleased with both ofthem said: "Oh! "Messenger of Allah, we have been hit severely by thefire arrows of Thakif (a tribe name), invoke Allah (the Almighty)against them. The Prophet,Peacebe upon him, said: "Oh Allah! I call upon you to favour Thakif withyour guidance" narrated by Al-Tirmizi with a sound reference. )]Related Documents | |